What is Case Management?
The role of a Case Manager is to assess, plan, implement, co-ordinate, monitor and evaluate the options and services required to meet an individual’s health, care, social, educational and vocational needs, and thus promoting quality cost effective outcomes.
The Case Manager works with the client and their significant others to provide practical support, education on acquired brain injury and catastrophic injury, assist with disability adjustment and act as a link person with other agencies to maintain / improve the client’s quality of life, function, independence, social and vocational opportunities.
“The Rehabilitation Partnership is small enough to know every client and big enough to provide the unique support you need ”

Our unique approach to Rehabilitation Case Management
At The Rehabilitation Partnership we are unique and provide:
- Award winning rehabilitation professionals with extensive experience and expertise in working with individuals with acquired brain injury and catastrophic injuries.
- Specialism in the most complex and challenging cases.
- Consistent provision for children, young people and adults throughout their life journey.
- Costed and evidence-based case management assessments and ongoing reports.
- Dynamic risk assessment.
- The achievement of exceptional outcomes using client centred goal planning and outcome measurements.
- Provision and monitoring of bespoke rehabilitation and support packages by interdisciplinary teams to meet the client’s unique needs and aspirations.
- Collaborative working with statutory services.
- Securing of resources and opportunities.
- Choice as to how clients want their support provided and by whom. This can be via direct recruitment, domiciliary support or complex care packages accessed through a range of CQC registered providers. This promotes independence, stability of provision and cost effectiveness.
- Advocacy.
- Family and network support.