The Rehabilitation Partnership provides its services to meet the following criteria:

Clients are located within 1 ½ hour travelling radius of Birmingham

This is because we:

    • Specialise in the most complex clients.
    • Thoroughly know and access the best local service provision.
    • It is most cost effective for the client, and where possible we share travel and mileage costs.

Are children, young people or adults with an acquired brain injury and catastrophic injuries

We provide case management and rehabilitation services to people with life changing injuries at any point on their journey. We have the expertise and experience to work with children, young people and adults which gives a continuum of support throughout their life.

Have agreed funding and instruction from statutory services and /or medico-legal claims

As per the Wright vs Sullivan judgement, our duty of care is to the client (injured party). As such we do undertake joint instruction assessments, and ongoing case management intervention is completed on a single instruction basis only.  However, we welcome positive engagement with Defendants and Insurers, as in our experience the best person-centred outcomes are achieved by working in partnership.

Clients require and want to participate in active rehabilitation case management

We do not provide expert witness work as we are passionate about working with our clients on their rehabilitation journeys.  Our input is all about rehabilitation.  If clients do not want to engage at this part of their journey they are welcome back at any time.

Make an enquiry

To make an enquiry or referral to our service please contact us by calling 0121 445 6418 during office hours or by using our, “contact us” facility.

“I have had the pleasure of working with The Rehabilitation Partnership and alongside their clients for the past eight years. I have been incredibly impressed by their attention to detail and client focussed approach. They are amazing advocates for their clients and show due diligence in ensuring that any therapists they instruct are goal focussed and results driven, so as to ensure their clients get, not only the best value for money but can continue to reach their full potential. Each member of the TRP team are masters at what they do and continually look for innovative and creative ways to support their clients. They are not afraid to ask the hard questions and will challenge anyone who is not working in the client’s best interest. It is no wonder they have won awards for their service.“

Bev Palmer, Senior Behaviour Specialist, Bush & Company Rehabilitation