Client’s Journeys

A client who sustained her injury as a child was excluded from school with no qualifications. She became involved in crime and developed other risky behaviours prior to coming to TRP. Working together she went on to gain her first certificates in manicure and nail art. She remains proud of these certificates which are framed on her wall. She went on to pass her driving test and now lives independently with her pets. You have to believe to achieve.

In life there is no such thing as a free ride. Independent Living Trials are hard work. We have developed a skill acquisition programme with an independent living skills contract matched to numerous individuals needs to maximise success and identify ongoing support needs with outcome measurement.

There are barriers to rehabilitation. Do you ignore them? or identify and address them as a team? We believe in proactive rehabilitation – identifying and addressing the barriers. We use Person-Centred Plans which in this case led to the completion of an interdisciplinary rehabilitation week at Center Parcs. The outcomes were amazing, longstanding and not to mention award winning.

Everyone wants a forever home. Our clients want the same thing and we work with them to identify, achieve, advocate, adapt and build their dream homes together with a team of services and professionals.

Work is a major aspect of life. We enable our clients to access or return to work or education. …. It’s an individual’s journey…it’s all about purposeful and meaningful activity which contributes to society.
By way of example our clients have gone on or maintained being dog groomers, farm workers, abattoir workers, DJ’s, beauticians, artists, writers, university graduates, court advisors, supermarket workers, parents and volunteers.

Life is about balance and meaningful, social and positive experiences. Each client brings unique wishes and dreams. These range from urban axe throwing, rifle shooting, walking football, holidays, bicycling and trips around the world. Nothing is impossible.

We joined this client’s journey when he was a child. We have worked with him and his family through education, rehabilitation, into work and adulthood. We are thrilled and proud to celebrate him passing his driving test and we are honoured to be onboard with his continued journey.

This client resided in confining institutional care for 10 years post his injury. The client’s goal was to have, “his own yard”. Statutory Services believed he was incapable of moving out of care, and so we formulated robust risk assessments, support plans and engagement strategies. He moved into a private warden controlled flat with support and excellent therapy where he lived for 2½ years. He then moved to reside in his own bungalow with 35 hours of support per week. He has a strong relationship with his neighbours and Sainsburys café staff, gets up all day, walks independently around his community, shops, cooks and has his own DIY business. He has quarterly mini breaks, celebrates Christmas and said, “I have started to live and not exist”.
The recent Social Services review stated: “the support package offers him continued rehabilitation and maximises his independence….this has been achieved by the skilled approach of a robust support network…who have worked collaboratively with him in a person-centred way to identify what works for him and his life”.

From being done to, to being enabled with effective rehabilitation, this client is no-longer doubly incontinent, PEG fed, wheelchair dependent, hoisted or contained in a small room on the floor. He is now living in his own property, runs on a treadmill, sings, swims and showed us his Irish dancing moves on holiday in Dublin.

At TRP we pride ourselves on learning something new every day. Education is a large part of life and the journey. We work with schools and educational facilities to secure a team approach to achieve the optimum educational provision for an individual. This often involves the provision of an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and securing specialist school and college placements. TRP work closely with the therapy and educational providers, particularly in periods of transition and provide bespoke ongoing Acquired Brain Injury Training and support.
Our clients have gained everything from vocational qualifications, GCSE’s, apprenticeships and university degrees.